


繆思下凡,降落人間。"the resistance tour"全球巡迴之旅,從 home town英國多佛海岸小鎮 teignmouth 開始第一站,已行走了半年,這次 muse 狀態十足重臨香港 (亞洲最後一站),立即起義,以〈uprising〉引爆全場,解放機場 asiaworld-arena:

they will not force us
they will stop degrading us
they will not control us
we will be victorious


muse略為調整了 run-down,冷不防隨即便轟來電氣搖滾樂曲〈supermassive black hole〉,在 video wall 裡的型格機械人帶動下,樂迷提早進入G點。〈map of the problematique〉及反動主題曲〈resistance〉過後,這支 power trio繼續張牙舞爪,〈hysteria〉如狂風掃落葉,席捲全場。

matt bellamy 坐到鋼琴之旁,classical rock〈united state of eurasia〉登場,video wall亦出現奧巴馬與胡錦濤握手照片。美中爭霸如箭在弦,恐不能出現 muse的良好和平意願。之後的〈guiding light〉演繹得扣人心弦,是這晚上一個美麗的時刻。

live performance裡 muse 減少了巴洛克古典氣味,變得更重型。由電子低音起動,直至排山倒海的〈time is running out〉迎來全晚第一個大合唱時間。〈stockholm syndrome〉繼續源源供應不絕能量,這夜人人都患上了「繆思症候群」!接下來的〈plug in baby〉,又是大合唱時間。

這是激越澎湃的打真軍 rock concert,沒有靚衫、沒有肉感 dancers、沒有握手時間,也沒有太多說話,因為一切的話,都已在歌曲裡講清講楚。〈knights of cydonia〉把音樂會結束,當唱到 "and how can we win?when fools are kings",muse高聲呼喚,我們一定要 "fight for our rights",絕不妥協,勢必戰鬥到底:

no one's gonna take me alive
the time has come to make things right
you and I must fight for our rights
you and I must fight to survive

〈uprising〉(live at perth 2010)

the paranoia is in bloom, the PR
the transmissions will resume
they'll try to push drugs
keep us all dumbed down and hope that
we will never see the truth around
(so come on!)
another promise, another scene, another
a package not to keep us trapped in greed
with all the green belts wrapped around our minds
and endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(so come on!)

they will not force us
they will stop degrading us
they will not control us
we will be victorious
interchanging mind control
come let the revolution take its toll if you could
flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
we should never be afraid to die
(so come on!)
rise up and take the power back, it's time that
the fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
their time is coming to an end
we have to unify and watch our flag ascend

they will not force us
they will stop degrading us
they will not control us
we will be victorious
hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!
they will not force us
they will stop degrading us
they will not control us
we will be victorious
hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!

5 則留言:

  1. Wai Tong7/2/10 22:49

    [版主回覆02/09/2010 00:22:00]看 muse ,不激情,也不成。

  2. It's amazing!! 喜歡他們的演繹,更喜歡他們曲中的訊息。 "...you and I must fight to survive". 確實不過。
    [版主回覆02/09/2010 00:18:00]袁智聰評論。 check it out:

  3. 個人覺得 Matt Bellamy 係當今世最 hot, 最 talented 嘅音樂人 !! Muse 嘅 live performances 真係無懈可擊 , NME Awards 05, 08 & 09 “Best Live Band” 當之無愧 !!!
    愛死了 Matt!!! 愛死了 Muse!!!!
    p.s. 香港曾幾何時都有個黃家駒 , 劉以達可略作抗衡 , 而家 , 唉 ….
    [版主回覆02/09/2010 00:24:00]不用擔心, tvb 說還有一個由亞皆老街至太子道西最受歡迎的林峰,香港音樂又點會玩完?

  4. 其實我不熟識Muse的音樂, 但有想過為了欣賞好的國際樂隊而去聽, 不過因為找不到人陪而放棄了(看戲甚至看話劇, 就算一個人去看都可以; 但看concert, 我到現在仍不想一人去看), 如果本身是fans還好些。 唉...... 希望有機會看Radiohead的演出啦, 到時就算約不到人, 我都會去的。 Muse在香港有如此good show, 真好。
    [版主回覆02/11/2010 01:42:00]一個人看音樂會,我也沒試過,可能會有一種獨處角落裡的半快感呢。
    在 radiohead 尚未會訪港前,未來兩個月就有兩個很值得去的 concerts ---  日本 post punk 樂團 mono 和挪威 indie-pop 組合 kings of convenience 。

  5. 我睇Muse都有二次, 之前係Asian Expo睇concert d 音響差都鎮, 唔知係米轉左個大埸, 音樂靚左好多!! 同埋第一次無玩"kam"多visual做野, 今次黎講比第一次較商業化.
    [版主回覆02/15/2010 18:48:00]muse 上次音響極差勁,睇到媽媽聲,今次的音響則很好; muse 依然高度專業化,多了來自 《 the resistance 》的歌曲後,整體比較 pomp & progressive ,毫無疑問他們是當世舉足輕重的搖滾組合。
